Developed by Dr. Didier Diestchi D.M.D, PhD, Privat-Docent, Specialist SVPR, Ass. Professor (Geneva, Switzerland) Received his degree in Dentistry in 1984, a Doctoral thesis in 1989 and Privat-Docent degree in 2004 all from the University of Geneva; he also earned a PhD degree in 2003 from ACTA University, in Amsterdam (Netherlands). After maintaining various teaching and research positions at the University of Geneva, he is currently active as a senior lecturer at this university and is also adjunct Professor at Case Western University, in Cleveland (USA). He has authored more than 100 publications in the field of adhesive & aesthetic restorations and has given hundreds of lectures worldwide. Dr. D. Dietschi is in charge of perio-implant surgery and also is performing anterior aesthetic restorations. |
"Swiss haute couture" in esthetics Dental Education OÜ is introducing a new level in direct esthetic restorations with the inspiro direct system. This material expands the possibilities in free-hand bonding techniques following the well-established „NATURAL LAYERING CONCEPT" leading to uncompromised esthetic and functional results thanks to the new, improved homogenous nano-hybrid technology combining surface smoothness and mechanical strength. Inspiro homogenous nano hybrid composite is a state-of-the-art, light cure and radiopaque filling material for restorations of all cavity classes. Inspiro uses a new patented process of manufacturing special nano particles, characterized by the fact that the individual nano particles do not agglomerate to clusters. Agglomeration causes the particles to lose a large portion of their property profile. The inspiro nano technology leads to significant improvements of the product mechanical properties and surface qualities. |